Develop a short story + character development cheat sheet


Develop a short story + character development cheat sheet

include one of three prompts:

  • The character falls asleep and gets off the bus at the wrong stop
  • Recognises a stranger 
  • Finds a gun
My story idea-

A guy Larry walks down the street one day and bumps into an old school friend (or at least he thinks it is) "Daniel" Daniel claims to be homeless Larry feels sorry for him and lets him stay in his spare room where he lives with his girlfriend and child Ben. Daniel catches Sarah cheating with Larry's best friend Steve. Daniel tells Larry and Larry does nothing. Daniel takes it on himself to make Larry confront Sarah. They split up and her and Ben move out.

Daniel and Larry continue to live together. One night Larry is drunk in a bar when another friend from school (Lee) approaches him. Lee shows him a picture on his phone from a wedding he went to last week and he realises it's the real Daniel their mutual friend. He goes home to question Daniel but when he opens the door he sees Daniel has cooked him his favourite meal, his favourite film is paused on the tv ready to go and there's a cold beer open. At this point Larry  would come to the realisation that it doesn't matter that he isn't Daniel. He's found someone who knows him and cares for him genuinely. That's all he wanted.

The cheat sheet really helped. it was 45 questions about your main character. This got really detailed! right down to the characters favourite songs and objects. Which did help me think more about motifs and stuff , but for a short film the story i had in mind wouldn't of worked as i used a lot of these questions to justify things i wouldn't be able to get into without over complicating it and it being feature length.


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